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Splitting saw NAR-P NARDELLO

Splitting saw / NARDELLO / NAR-PSplitting saw / NARDELLO / NAR-PSplitting saw / NARDELLO / NAR-PSplitting saw / NARDELLO / NAR-P
Splitting saw / NARDELLO / NAR-PSplitting saw / NARDELLO / NAR-PSplitting saw / NARDELLO / NAR-PSplitting saw / NARDELLO / NAR-P
Инвентарный номер1110237
- Postforming Function
- Ø scoring blade 350 mm.
- Ø saw blade 350 mm.
- Speed of rotation of the blade variable with inverter
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Splitting saw
Brand: TecnoWood/Nardello
Type: NAR-P
New machine

Ideal machine to be placed at the exit of a boring machine or a
squaring edge banding machine.
The boards arrive with double dimension and then they are cut.
In this way you can optimize the production capacity.

Technical data
Standard Equipment
- Scoring unit with electrospindle. Motor  3 kW
- Postforming Function
- Scoring alignment with brushless motor
- Ø scoring blade 350 mm.
- Saw unit with electrospindle. Motor 5,6 kW
- Ø saw blade 350 mm.
- Speed of rotation of the blade variable with inverter
- Electric lifting of the blade
- Feeder unit with two feeding belts
Motor 1,1 kW with inverter to control the speed
- Feeding speed 6-45 m/min. (This is not the production capacity,
which depends on tools, material and machines connected)
- Fixed reference fence
- Machine movable. Movement controlled by brushless motor
and sliding on linear guides with ball bearings system
- Plc to control and to adjust the machine

Optional Equipment
- Top scoring unit with motor  1,85 kW.
- Groover unit at the entry side of the machine to make
through and/or blind slots

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